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When: Dec 12, 2024 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Learn the basics, keep in touch with those you love
Making communication with loved ones easier
When it comes to talking digital:
Does everything create a big hoo-ha?
Does any mention of a smart phone furrow their brow?
Does the word ‘text’ result in huffs and puffs?
End that family Zoom call saga now! This book will give you the skills you need to stay connected with those you love.
Read this book to:
- Keep you independent
- Keep you connected with family and friends
- Keep your mind stimulated by learning new skills
Learn on YOUR terms, at your pace, and watch that tech hurdle melt away.
Children of Seniors
Are you a son/daughter of a reluctant senior? After gifting them this book, you can look forward to:
- Auntie and Uncle dialing in to that family call
- Grandma sharing pictures of her new puppy
- Nana showing her new yard design on her smart phone
You’ll get Papa from flipping book-pages to scrolling web pages in no time!
No more anxiety about “getting online,” this book will teach Great Auntie the basics – byte by byte.
Say BYE-BYE to Nana’s agitation, exasperation and procrastination and HELLO to new skills, independence and staying in touch.